Blog, Inspiration, Leadership, Mentor, Personal growth, The Hero’s Journey, Training

Shine your light

Shine your light

We’re halfway your Hero’s Journey now. How’s everything going so far?  

I talked about phases 1-The Prologue, 2-The Call to Adventure, 3-Resistance, 4-Meeting your Mentor and 5-Selection Threshold. For your reference you can find these blog posts below this page.

These first 5 stages are the build up for the further unfoldment of your Hero’s Journey. In short, at the start you were in your old life (stage 1), set out on a new adventure (stage 2), met resistance (stage 3), gained new skills and honed them (stage 4), and tested your skills and knowledge (stage 5). After you have passed the first big test at the Selection Threshold it’s time to celebrate your first success. Welcome to stage 6: Star of The Day.

In classical stories and movie plots the ‘Star of The Day’ moment usually happens at the halfway mark. This is when the heroine is enjoying what’s she doing. She’s in her element. She might have taken down the villain and celebrating this win. Or she has met her new partner and having a great time. Or she just has landed her dream job.
These are just some examples to give you an idea.

In my previous blog post I shared about my first (unsuccessful!) presentation. It was a beautiful failure. I learned a lot and decided to focus on simplicity for my next talk.

The setting. It was at the annual Navy conference for about 200 people and I was hired to deliver a 30-minute talk about personal leadership. I remember walking around the conference hall to feel and own the room. I was doing kundalini yoga breathing exercises in the bathroom to ignite my energy. And there I went, with the mic in my hand (for the first time, shaking and hearing my own voice through the speakers!), walking around and inspiring the audience about leadership.

I felt safe. I felt inspired. I felt confident and joyful speaking. And I made sure I focused on clarity and simplicity and I invited the audience to participate. I had the right energy and focus.

Afterwards, I received very positive feedback from my client. I had touched and inspired the audience and contributed to the success of the conference. Yes, my star moment. I was so excited and grateful. I was beaming from the inside out. I knew this was a big test and I succeeded. I was shining my light at that moment.

How about you, dear friend?

I know you’ve experienced the same moments of success. It’s so important to celebrate your wins. Because you then acknowledge the joy, passion and contentment that comes with doing what you love to do. It’s a holy moment for sure. You’re giving space to this incredible electricity. You’re also building up your confidence, faith and belief.

That’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

We often have a habit to omit these joyful moments, because we don’t allow ourselves to relish the experience and we’re already busy with the next step. I want to invite you to make a first step of implementing the success stories in your daily life and business.

What’s a big success you had, how did you feel and how did you celebrate it?
Leave me a comment and share your story below.
Now back to the leadership insights from inspirational movie Whale Rider.

Previously I wrote about the first big test our heroine Paikea had to face: finding a sacred whale tooth necklace her grandfather Koro threw into the sea. Initially Koro went on a boat trip with the boys from the community. He wanted to test them but neither one could retrieve the sacred piece.

In this still you see Paikea on a following trip where she succeeds to find the whale tooth necklace on the bottom of the sea. She passed the test. Therefore she gained confidence, strength and faith on her journey to become the first female leader of her tribe. It’s her moment to shine her light and be the star of the moment!

In my upcoming blog I’m going to take you to the next phase of your Hero’s Journey: Grounding.

Enjoy this day and make it a successful one!

From my heart to yours,
Kim Ho

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Kim Ho Leung

I’m an international leadership mentor, trainer and speaker. My passion is to support you to become a successful leader in your life and business.