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Welcome to my blog, an oasis for inspiration.

I love to write about life’s empowering stories.
About the meaning and purpose of things.
About the mystery in everyday experiences.
The wonder of life.
The eternity of the present moment.

Other topics are personal growth, leadership, the present moment, abundance and success principles.

Just some new ideas and perspectives on inspired living.
May my words give you joy and fulfillment.


Your Awakening

5 February 2023

A return to who you really are without any masks, identities or conditions to hold up. Reconnect with wonder, joy and presence.


Time to let go

18 September 2022

I think it’s super crucial now, with the ever increasing pace of everyday modern life, to remember what’s truly important.


When you lose don’t lose the lesson

10 July 2022

In this podcast I talk about the valuable lesson you can learn when you think you lose something.


Change the way

29 May 2022

In my new podcast I share a bit about changing the way you look at things in life and why this is so important.


Your sacred place

15 May 2022

I felt called to deepen and use my voice as an expression. I created a podcast about honouring our sacred place.


Be the space

27 March 2022

The beauty of showing inspiring movie clips in a learning environment is to offer a different way to see things.


Call to your purpose

20 March 2022

In a way, we’re like Amélie. In our daily reality we also receive messages or pointers to do or begin something new.


Are you listening?

19 February 2022

With the increasing noise outside it has become extremely difficult and challenging to regain a sense of stillness within where one could really liste...


Meeting the Mentor

25 September 2021

A mentor is someone who can open your eyes to the gold that is already within. (S)he can guide, support, encourage and lift you up.


Don’t forget about yourself

15 May 2021

It reminds me of staying true to myself and not let my life lead by what people might think of me, or label me.


True Abundance is in You

12 October 2019

You don't have to look outside of yourself to find true abundance. It's all in you. It's abundance how you can see things in this way.


The Super Power Everyone Has—You Too!

11 October 2019

This blogpost is about the super power everyone has and how this can change the way you live your life.


Follow Your Bliss

23 June 2019

"Follow your bliss, and doors will open where there were no doors before". What doors are opening for you right now? What is your bliss?


All That Matters in Life is This

12 March 2019

What really matters in life? Read this post about Roma, the academy award winning movie by Alfonso Cuarón.


One Simple Life Lesson This Master is Teaching Us

26 August 2018

I'm inspired by the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Learn the simple life lesson from this master and make your life a success.