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  • “The Hero’s Journey Smart Guide is personal, concise, clear, and very enjoyable to read. It’s essential. I keep the guide close to me because it’s highly valuable.”
    Daphne Friederichs, Coach, Aerdenhout, The Netherlands
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Your free Hero's Journey Smart Guide

Want to explore the 12 steps of your own unique Hero’s Journey so that you can start to be the conscious leader and live from your full potential?

Want to learn 12 leadership lessons for more direction, focus, and purpose in your business and life?

If so, Your Hero’s Journey Smart Guide is perfect for you!

In this free e-guide I’ll explain the 12 universal phases of The Hero’s Journey and how you can recognize them in your daily life. And with reflection questions for integration and to deepen your learning. Enjoy it.

May this guide bring you inspiration and value.
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