What miraculous life’s path is awaiting you?
How can you allow meaning and purpose in your life,
in presence and calmness?
Over the last 15 years, I had the privilege to work with companies, organisations, and individuals on personal development and leadership, aimed to shine a powerful light on consciousness and growth in life.
The transformative and challenging times we’re all living right now, is inviting us to go deeper within and to truly connect with the true essence that is residing in us. This is the force that sparks and directs our lives.
To match our nature with nature.
To explore the true essence within along the universal Hero’s Journey, I created a month program in which you can start discovering who you really are.
This virtual program is called The Hero’s Journey Immersion where you have the opportunity to go on an inner journey, and reconnect with the peace and presence that is already within.
From presence, I’ll lead the adventure where we explore the 12 universal phases of the Hero’s Journey in your daily life. There are 8 spots available in the Immersion.
You’ll learn how to plot your pivotal life’s experiences according to The Hero’s Journey.
You’ll get in touch with the not-knowing that can propel you to manifest who you truly are into this world.
You’ll get inspired by transformative movie clips that can give you clarity on your next steps.
You’ll be heard and seen. Each participant will receive personal feedback during the sessions.
Be open.
Show up as you are.
No requirements needed.
The Immersion will be held on 4 Saturdays:
* June 24, 2023
* July 8, 22 & 29, 2023
The sessions are scheduled from 10:00—11:30am Ecuador Time through Zoom.
Join me for this immersion filled with high energy and great inspiration. I’d be honoured to guide you and co-create this experience together. 8 seats available.
Event: The Hero’s Journey Immersion
Dates: Saturday 24 June, July 8, 22 & 29, 2023
Place: Zoom Class
Time: 10:00—11:30am Ecuador Time
Price: €395
Preregister with Kim Ho Leung | kimho@kimholeung.com
Reserve your spot by fulfilling the payment through the PayPal button below.
Payment through an international bank transfer is also possible (details provided upon request).
When you sign up, I’ll send you all info on how to attend The Hero’s Journey Immersion program.
Next round of the Hero’s Journey Immersion: TBA
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