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H E R O  Y O U
Master Program


"A hero is someone who has given his or her life
to something that is bigger than oneself." 

— Joseph Campbell


“Ever find yourself sometimes doin’ the same thing
walkin’ the same old life
Lookin’ back on yesterday and dreamin’ the same dream
wishin’ away the time

And then you answer your feelings
and look deep inside
You know there’s gotta be meaning
or are we here for the ride?”
(From the quintessential track: Star Chasers by 4 Hero ©1999)


I’m pretty sure you’re on an incredible life’s journey. 

A journey full of big dreams, adventures, discoveries, and goals. Besides growth and successes, there are naturally uncertainties, challenges and trials. Taking on these obstacles and overcoming them, is what makes life meaningful.
Life is about discovering who you are and experiencing that.

I learnt these valuable lessons when I was in my early twenties (and frankly, I’m still learning). Suddenly, it dawned on me that there was more to life. It all started to click once I really felt how my presence and energy shifted through the teachings of The Hero’s Journey. I became a student of personal growth. This path showed me how to be a conscious leader, living life with true intention and purpose.

I want this for you too.

Want to discover the universal pattern in your life? 
Want to be the fullest and truest expression of yourself?
Want a life of deep meaning and great purpose?
Want to be an inspired conscious leader?

I created the Hero You Master Program to guide you in discovering and unlocking the hero(ine) within. To help remember who you are. To find clarity. To enhance your leadership skills. The extraordinary and disrupting times are calling you and us all to stay centred, awake and present. 

In this transformational course, I’ll share my life’s experiences, wisdom, knowledge, and all what I’ve learnt about The Hero’s Journey. The Master Program is based on the insights of Joseph Campbell, The Double Healix model, and many more inspiring and powerful teachings.

My aim is to help you awaken the amazing potential within. The twelve universal phases of The Hero’s Journey can highlight your true power. Stepping into this force can give you more joy, energy, success, and abundance in your business and life.

I’ll hold the sacred space where you feel safe and seen, and where you can explore, learn, release, grow, and be yourself.
As a mentor, I’ll encourage you to stretch yourself to step into your most authentic and loving version now. I’ll stand next to you and support you.   

I’d like to invite you to continue reading.
If you’re being called, I look forward to journey together.
With appreciation,
Kim Ho

  • The contrast between how I first met Kim Ho and the role he played in my life after meeting him again 20 years later, is a perfect example of a story that started seemingly insignificant but turned out to be very inspiring. It’s amazing how life sometimes presents you with the right things at the right time and he helped me realise just that. Kim Ho is a great friend, mentor and kind and loving person who I'd recommend to anyone looking for answers. It is not hard work and it shouldn't be in my opinion. The work is always in progress and Kim Ho can help you on your way just like he did for me.
    Laurens Heidinga, former KLM Captain, now shifting and transforming, The Netherlands

6 Months

12 modules in curriculum with a blended learning experience

Hero’s Journey

Applying this powerful framework in life for growth


Extensive personal support and feedback during the program


Personal assignments and exercises for reflection

"The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.

— Pablo Picasso

12 Phases of The Hero’s Journey


The initial preparation for the journey


A powerful event sets the journey in motion


The refusal of change keeps you stuck


Getting help of the teacher and learn new things


The moment to test yourself—first challenge


Passing the threshold and celebrating success


Inner preparation for the next step of the journey


A dramatic event turns the wheel of fortune


Cut the cord and sense of urgency in darkest hour


Remembering who you are and finding your voice


Surviving the biggest test and living with integrity


Purified by your experiences and being of service

12 Modules

Module 1 — Prologue

The big picture — Source — Envision

Module 2 — Call

Initiate — Responsibility — Set the tone

Module 3 — Resistance

Build up — Motivation — Stamina

Module 4 — Mentor

Recreate yourself — Learn — Creativity

Module 5 — Selection

Test yourself — Initiation — Outer power

Module 6 — Star

Shine — Express yourself — Passion

Module 7 — Grounding

Reflect — Inner wisdom — Discern

Month 8 — Reversal

Surrender — Be still — Listen

Module 9 — Dagger

Urgency — Release — Let go

Module 10 — Return

Vision — Focus — Renewal

Module 11 — Resurrection

Death & rebirth — Transformation

Module 12 — Elixir

Serving — Giving — Living your purpose

"In the depth of winter I finally learnt
there's an invincible summer within me." 

— Albert Camus

The Hero You Master Program 

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to make a real difference in someone else’s life? 
Are you a CEO, leader, or manager who desires to lead with more vision, presence, and authenticity? 
Want to expand your vision and skills as a coach, therapist or service worker to support people even better? 
Are you a soulfilled person who wants to allow new meaning and purpose in life?

This transformational program is for you if you want to enhance your personal and leadership skills through the 12 universal phases of The Hero’s Journey. This is for you if you have a strong desire to go down the rabbit hole and face your hidden powers and shadows so that you can shine a conscious light on them. 

I’ll teach you how to start recognizing these 12 phases in your daily life. Also, I’ll show you how to integrate The Hero’s Journey in your business and life so that you can have a thriving life with meaning and purpose. 

You’ll gain more clarity, confidence, and focus for your business and life. I’ll also focus on the art of storytelling to attract more abundance and success.

Spaces are limited as I am of full service to my students in this intensive process of growth and learning.
4 spots available.

You’ll receive 
• 12 Modules 
• 12 Live video group calls — approx. 60 minutes each
• Train de trainer learning experience
• Handouts/Journal with inspiring and actionable content
• Powerful movie clips with reflection questions —This is a key element to learn how to look in metaphors. 
• Personal mentoring 
• Member of private WhatsApp group
• Support through email & WhatsApp during this program 

You’ll learn

• Deep understanding of the 12 universal phases of The Hero’s Journey
• Key themes per phase
• Key leadership competences per phase
• Power questions per phase
• How to recognize each phase in your life — both personal and professional
• How to recognize each phase in someone else’s life
• How to overcome resistance
• How to turn obstacles into empowerments
• What prescence is & how to lead from presence
• Transcendent essence of The Hero’s Journey
• How to apply The Hero’s Journey framework in your work as a leader, therapist, mentor, coach or manager.
• How to select, edit and use movie clips as a powerful tool

Your results can be
• Deep sense of presence
• More abundance
• More clarity, focus and direction
• Meaning and purpose in business and life
• Better self-understanding
• Reclaim your power
• Calmness & balance
• Experience more joy and freedom
• Feeling invigorated
• More effective in your daily life
• Lead with confidence and certainty 

More info

Start program: April 18/May 16, 2022

Exchange: €3000

Persons who’d like to apply, are invited to fill out an application form.
A personal intake conversation with Kim Ho Leung is part of the enrollment process.

Spaces are limited as I am of full service to my students in this deep process of growth and learning.
I will only take 4 students. 

Refund policy

The price is non-refundable.


For questions about The Hero You Master Program, contact me:

Start your journey and allow meaning and purpose come into your life. Embrace your true essence and be a conscious leader.

Share this info about the Hero You Master Program with colleagues or friends who might be interested.

  • Kim Ho is a very inspirational and kind spirit that helps you to find your own journey. His amazing knowledge about a broad interest in so many subjects helps you to get an holistic perspective on your road ahead. And I really like him as a human being :)

    Kim van Kaam, Business Consultant & Dancer, The Netherlands
Additional Bonus Features

1. Personal support
During the program I’ll be available for your questions and support through emails and WhatsApp.

2. Access to transformational movie clips to supercharge your learning
I thoughtfully have selected inspiring movie clips from my exclusive movie database and have made these available to you. These clips can support your personal growth and inspire you to look at life in new, unique ways. They can instill on you new perspectives on your daily life.

3. Videos with simple tai chi exercises to center yourself
The ancient tai chi exercises can help you to raise your life energy, and to stay healthy & happy.
These practices are easy to integrate in your daily life and you can experience immediate changes in your happiness and energy. It’s like meditation.

4. Monthly ritual by Fleur Royale 
My beloved soul partner Fleur Royale will offer you deep centering rituals that can invigorate and support you in daily life.

5. Certificate of completion
At the end of your Hero You Master  Program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion.This will validate your commitment and energy you have put in your work.

  • Kim Ho is a very centered mentor with a deep understanding of the Hero's Journey. His presence alone makes this a very inspiring experience! I learned that on the other side of fear is success. When you can face your fears with courage and keep moving along with the doubts, you can live a greater life. I would recommend the Hero's Journey and Kim Ho to others because this is a unique way to view your life, create a story that helps you envision your ideal life, and identify key steps along the way that you can expect. Taking the time each day to reflect on the lessons sheds a lot of light on who you are as a person!
    Jimmy Diesel, Marketing Consultant, USA
Unique Offering

The Hero You Master Program is a 6 month online course filled with live video classes, wisdom, personal support & mentoring, meditations,
and many more teachings all aimed for your personal growth
and to unlock the hero(ine) within.

Highly inspiring movie clips that can accelerate your learning,
and a private WhatsApp group with the other students are part of the program too. 
You’ll have unlimited access to all live video classes recordings and movie clips. 

A survey and an intake conversation with Kim Ho Leung
are part of the enrollment process.

The value of this program is €3000.
Monthly payment plan available. With no additional costs.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." 

— Goethe

Meet your teacher
  • Text Hover

My passion is to guide people to purpose in life so that they can tap into their true essence with presence, gratitude and success. 

In my early twenties, I got the wake up call. Life invited me to embark on a journey of deep soulsearching and conscious awakening.

I traveled the world, studied world cinema, and met an important teacher and mentor who guided me in the Hero’s Journey, personal growth, and leadership.

As a Leadership Trainer and Mentor, I worked for companies, governments, universities and full purpose organizations in The Netherlands. I used The Hero’s Journey, inspiring movie clips, storytelling, and management practices to help my clients grow.

Since 2011 me and my family have been living in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Here we tend our lush land with fruit trees, colorful birds, bees and organic vegetables.

With over 15 years experience, I’ve deepened my wisdom and knowledge with my own life’s events and other teachers — Mother Nature is chief among them.

I offer online programs and 1-1 mentoring. On my land I’m mentoring clients, hosting workshops, private intensives, and retreats all aimed to unlock the incredible potential within that allows us to live from a state of presence, love, and gratitude.

"A hero’s journey is one story after another how they
transformed circumstances into empowerments." 

— Mary Morrissey

Common Questions

Do I need any preparation or read any books before I start the program?

The only thing I invite you to bring is an open heart, mind, and a curiosity to learn new things. The program will unfold naturally and I’ll teach you the important insights of The Hero’s Journey. I might give you some recommendations for reading during the year.

I’m very busy in life. How much time do I spend per module?

We'll have a live session (60 minutes) every two weeks. Bi-weekly you’ll receive an inspiring movie clip plus some reflection questions. This will require 10-15 minutes. And there’s the handouts/journal where you’ll journal. I’d say 10-15 minutes of journaling each time, depending how concise or elaborate you are. 

Who is teaching the classes?

Kim Ho Leung will be the teacher. Fleur Royale, his soul partner, will chime in occasionally to share a visualisation or mediation. Some other surprise teachers may show up too.

Where do I get support?

For support you can contact me anytime, every day, during the program. If you have questions, concerns, or want to share aha’s and wins, I’ll be there for you. The support goes through email and WhatsApp. Furthermore, there’ll be support from your fellow students in our private virtual group.

Can I participate from anywhere in the world?

Yes, definitely! It’s an online program that only requires a good internet connection so that you can participate in the live Zoom classes and log in from anywhere in the world.

If I can’t make it to attend a live class, what can I do?

I’d strongly recommend to attend all live video classes, if you can. Because there’s this incredible group energy of a live class and you’ll have a chance to ask questions, show up and share a bit of your journey.  But if you can’t make it, don’t worry, I got you covered. Each live video class will be recorded and each recording will become available to watch in your time.

If I leave the program during the year, because it’s not a fit, what happens?

If you’d decide to leave the program during the year, you’ll stay responsible for the full payment for the program or due payments. I hold this policy to keep the program financially viable as I’ll be unable to replace your spot with another participant. 

Do you offer a payment plan for the program?

Yes, I do. You can pay the full fee in one payment, or monthly in 6 payments. 
There will be additional costs.
Step into your new life.
The time is now.

Praise for Kim Ho & The Hero's Journey 

  • I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing workshop of the other day: The Hero’s Journey retreat! The event has been transformational for me and for my business. Thanks to your exercises and powerful questions, I was able to get so much clarity about my life and the purpose in my business. Now I know where I am in my personal hero’s journey, and I can also share this powerful knowledge with my clients and followers. I’d definitely recommend your workshop to anybody looking for clarity in their life, in their career, and to gain more self-awareness about their own life’s journey.”
    Gabriele di Mauro, Career Consultant & Life Coach, Italy

  • Kim Ho inspired me very much with his extensive movie knowledge, the way he applied movie clips to the leadership content and how he performed before the audience. Later I was lucky to work with him. I was able to experience directly how he adopts the theme, finds the right tools to support the message and blends all in order to inspire the participants. I’m grateful to Kim Ho what he’s taught me, both about leadership and myself."
    Marc van den Hoop, Simplifier & Coach, The Netherlands
Be a leader.
The time is now.