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The Super Power Everyone Has—You Too!
The super power everyone has—you too!
How can you allow life through you, dear friend?
Without any expectation?
Without striving or pushing for something?
Without being ‘here’ and wanting to get ‘there’?
That’s challenging, isn’t it?
Because you and I want to be in control of our lives, don’t we?
We want to be the master who’s in control and who’s making things happen.
There’s nothing wrong with us. We’re just programmed and conditioned this way.
We are ‘here’ and we want to get ’there’.
For most people this is the cause of stress and anxiety.
However, there’s a simple way to expand time and to be more present.Have you tried this power that’s inside of us—patience?
I bake rustic sourdough bread twice a week for my tribe. It’s a process. It takes diligence, commitment, focus, and patience. In short, it takes one full day to prepare the dough—when I start at noon, it rests at least 4 hours and then I fold it in two breads, and put them into the fridge for 10-12 hrs. The next morning I bake the loaves in 45 minutes.
I jokingly say, it takes 24 hours to create these breads and only 24 hours to finish them (imagine my 4 children devouring these loaves)!
(Le pain quotidien)
What I learnt here is patience. When I’m rushing things, like preparing the bread together with the lunch or preparing them in the late afternoon, the outcome will tell the whole story; far less air pockets inside, parts unbaked and less taste. From rustic to rush-tic.
I think you get the metaphor here.
It’s how you approach things in life. Good, fulfilling results take time.
If you can allow the breath of life, that’s the perfect rhythm.
If you can create space and time for your daily activities, they’ll be done in a conscious and deep way.
If you can practice patience in all things that you do daily, it will change your life.
How do you practice patience in your daily life?
Let me know, comment down below, and share with me.
Have a marvellous Sunday.
From my heart to yours,
Kim Ho
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