Inspiration, Leadership, Personal growth, The Hero’s Journey
The world is calling you
In my previous blog I started to share about the twelve steps of The Hero’s Journey and how it can add deep meaning and great purpose to your life and business. I wrote about the first phase of this transformational journey, The Prologue, which is the start of your adventure.
Today I’m zooming in on the second step: The Call to Adventure.
When you hear stories or see movies you’ll always see the hero(ine) is being called to step out of his/her ordinary life and to face a new challenge that is coming. The call to a new life.
The call could bubble up from the inside or it could come from the outside. Actually, it’s a powerful impulse that wakens you up to act on and follow through on it – no matter what.
Can you relate to this and recognize the important calls in your life?
You might feel this impulse as your intuition, gut feeling that is showing you the new path to be taken. It’s a blissful intervention. Often it could be someone, a friend, colleague or partner who is inviting you to face the new challenge. If you’d listen to your inner force it’ll guide you.
In my previous post I also talked a bit about one of my favorite movies Whale Rider. Now let’s return to this fantastic movie and discover together the beautiful lessons for personal growth and leadership.
The story is about a young girl named Paikea who is growing up in a traditional Maori community in New Zealand that is craving for a new leader. She was born under hard conditions; her mother and twin brother died shortly after the birth.
Being raised by her stubborn grandfather and loving grandmother Paikea is on a deep journey to claim her independence and authority in the patriarch community.
The Call is that she’s exploring her special gifts. In this image she’s binding the loose threads of a rope together, so that it’ll be strong again to spark the motor of the boat. Her ignorant grandfather couldn’t start the engine, leaving Paikea with the task…
She manages to start the motor, which metaphorically, is the beginning of her leadership, while she’s infusing the obsolete community with new energy.
So, what does this all have to do with you?
Unless you were in a cave somewhere in Nepal, you might have felt the discouragng and fearful energy worldwide after the US election. Many people are dreading the result and are expressing their deep concerns and heartfelt feelings on social media.
I felt it too. I’m concerned too, but I see hope. I’m hopeful there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I realized this event is actually a huge call for all of us: to take a stance and choose light instead of fear. It’s the only way. The world needs you more than ever to be a beacon of light and spread love.
If this might sound too difficult or overwhelming, you can do this; be an infinite source of kindness. Just start with tiny steps in your family, work or social groups you’re part of. And make every little step you take count.
Be like Paikea, step up, take the rope in your hand and start becoming the change you want to see.
What do you do today to infuse more love in your life and of others?
Share with me in the comments below.
In my next blog we’ll dive into phase three of your Hero’s Journey: Resistance.
Talk to you soon!
From my heart to yours,
Kim Ho
P.S. Do you want to accelerate your Hero’s Journey? I’m offering a free mentoring call where we can explore your Journey. Click here to learn more and let’s start our conversation.
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